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Writers' Showcase

The Bad Are Not Always Beautiful
by Alex Andy Phuong

The Bad and the Beautiful remains a landmark in cinematic history.  Do not judge this movie just by its title, though, because "the bad" and "the beautiful" do not always go hand-in-hand.  For example, Disney villains during the early stages of Walt Disney's career looked obviously atrocious because of dark clothing and maniacal laughter.  Then in the twenty-first century, villains from the past have been re-imagined as anti-heroes, such as Elphaba from the Broadway musical Wicked.  Sometimes the bad really could look beautiful, though, which is why appearances could be very deceiving.  Many people hate Edward Cullen, though, and some would argue that Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are overrated while Bella Swan is one of the worst heroines ever conceived.  Remember, do not always judge books by the covers because a cover is not always the book!

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