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Writers' Showcase

The Future
by Peter Wakefield Kitcher

For though we walk, we will never know
Where other ones have ventured forth to go.
For they have tried, as we who are left may also fear
That when we arrive, that what we hoped was far away
Is now so near.
For that is life, we live and yet years pass, and everything is near,
And yet as we approach we find all is past.
And then we know, that things we found were dear are no longer there.
And though we try to bring them back,
We try and try, they’ve gone, they are no longer there.
We must believe this.
When one is young, so many roads ahead,
One makes the choices, some so good and some so bad.
But now at last they all have gone but only one remains,
So take it, where it goes may well be sad but only one will know.