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Writers' Showcase

Day of Suspicions
by Duane Bishop

Jill and Sam Overwhat were enjoying their balcony view of the great Mediterranean Sea. It was about 7:00 am when they got onto the balcony. We were still in our robes enjoying our freshly brewed coffee and sharing a fruit plate, ahh what a wonderful morning it had turned out to be.

“Today is great, with beautiful sunshine, gorgeous calm seas, and a warm breeze,” said Sam. 

Around 7:15 am Max Rundoff, the Captain of our cruise ship Celebrity made an ominous announcement.

Captain Rundoff's broadcast started with the words; everyone pay attention. It appears that two terrorists have boarded our ship. Our staff is attempting to locate and apprehend these two terrorists before anything dreadful can happen. Our ship is currently in lockdown.

All passengers must stay in their cabins with their doors locked. Captain Rundoff repeated himself one more time, please stay in your cabins until we make another announcement when our security team has resolved the situation.

Across the hall from Overwhat’s cabin were their best friends Ann and Bill Similar. With willful disregard for what the captain’s orders were, Jill and Sam ran out of their cabin and started pounding on the Similar’s door.

Ann and Bill hesitantly opened their door to the surprise of seeing us. They brought us in rapidly and locked the door tightly behind us.

The four of us all started to share our fears and concerns.

Sam and Bill were active CIA agents. Sam was Bill's boss. Neither man had been this close to the start of a situation before, but this was very familiar territory for them.

Now everyone on the ship was anxiously waiting to see if we were going to be safe or still under this waiting game stress. At once, the ship intercom had a second announcement.

Everyone on the ship was praying and hoping for an announcement that these terrorists had been caught and the lockdown was over.

No, this announcement was letting all the passengers know that Captain Rundoff believed that these two men had taken over a large part of the onboard security and communication systems.

This new announcement from Captain Rundoff was very carefully phrased regarding the communication center being taken over. Captain Rundoff said that no more onboard announcements would be made for quite some time.

With no new info and now it was early afternoon, Sam and Bill were getting restless. Sam and Bill decided to defy Captain Rundoff’s orders and escape their cabin and see what they could do.

The communication center was located on the tenth floor forward and was not usually the most secure area of the ship. Bill brought up the idea of how easy it was to gain access. With a bit of careful thinking about this plan, they could sneak through a small corridor, up a short set of stairs, and investigate the communication center without getting caught.

Bill and Sam were off toward the communication center. Bill was first through to the small window peering into it.

After monitoring the communication room for about five minutes, Sam saw no one and decided to enter. Sam and Bill entered the communication center and observed a small amount of computer wiring out of place but no other apparent problems.

With much trepidation, Bill decided to place a call to the bridge. Placing this call was a very bold thing to do, they were defying direct orders. Bill was hoping that this victory of knowledge about the communication center might help with the message of where Sam and I were and what we had accomplished.

Regardless, the call was placed and accepted on the bridge. Bill introduced himself and Sam on the phone to the captain and staff.  They both identified that they were CIA agents. They also explained that they were not part of the terrorist group and that we were there to assist your team in any way we could.

The bridge was shocked that the communication center was empty. They seemed confused about what might be going on and where these two terrorists were.

Sam and Bill were both given orders to appear on the bridge. We both showed up in about seven minutes and were prepared to feel the wrath of Captain Rundoff.

Captain Rundoff was upset at us but more interested in trying to figure out the predicament that his ship was in.

As everyone on the bridge was finally talking about this situation, Bill asked a simple question.

Can you tell us how, where, and when were the terrorists discovered?

Captain Rundoff looked over to Andrew, one of his junior officers, and asked him to explain what he observed that morning to all on the bridge.

Andrew began to tell all of us that he had observed. Andrew said that he was doing his 3:00 am rounds and monitoring the ship's cameras as a part of his duty.

Andrew continued, this morning it was very foggy, and looking at his aft camera when he observed two people on the starboard aft that looked highly suspicious. Andrew said that they appeared to have long rifles and hoodies.

Andrew explained that he had made a report and had never actually seen anyone boarding, no weapons, and nothing other than his suspicion started this report.

Immediately Captain Rundoff’s expression changed, and a smile came to his face. Captain Rundoff set back in his chair and said, we were not dealing with two terrorists, but we boarded two clowns from off a pilot boat early this morning for our morning show. They were not guns but were props for today's show.

Captain Rundoff made a joyous announcement to all the passengers. This message allowed everyone full access to the ship, and everyone was relieved and went down to eat.