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Trekking to the Promised Land
by Albert Russo

Abram and his clan weren’t used to cover such distances on foot, continually changing places, while they longed for the straw beds that stank of donkey piss in their huts back at home.

He didn’t dare say “What bullshit is this, we’re shlepping and shlepping and, not only there’s no land in sight, but my people are starting to believe that I lied to them, and some of them are becoming rebellious. Washmore, we have less and less to eat and water is very scarce. “Goddessss … Goshhhhess .. what a mess”, the sounds escaped his lips like he was exhaling and out of breath, so that the Create-stress would take pity and forgive him, that’s what he thought, coz after all, She didn’t keep Her promise.

So, without asking for Her permission, he took it upon himself to lead his followers to the land of Egypt, where there was plenty of food and drink. But there was one thing Abram feared, his wife was dangerously pretty, and he was sure Pharaoh would demand that she join his harem. He then said to Sarai: “We will tell him that you are my sister.”

Low and bumble bees, His Devine-ness the King of Pyramids, of golden death masks and ugly Mummies, wanted to marry Sarai on the spot. In compensation he gave Abram a lot of dough, both in food, goats and money.

Of course, the false brother and sister felt quite uneasy, even if Pharaoh showed himself generous with both of them. Then a miracle occurred - you’re supposed to believe that whatever happens, good or bad, is decided from on high. And suddenly the plague fell upon the land, making every Egyptian as sick as hell, for they kept vomiting from both orifices - yeah, ain’t that word so much more softesticle than ‘openings’ -, their mouths and their rear ends, filling the air with the foulest smell you could imagine, and if that wasn’t enough the sky was filled with a zillion critters, blocking the sun.

Goddess warned Abram that next time he decided to act without Her authorization She would order the wild beasts to have the banquet of their life, by offering them Her Chosen People.

To prove that he would always consult and obey Her, the Sinner threw himself to the ground and filled his mouth with sand, forcing himself to swallow it.

“Get up and stop this ridiculous behavior.” She told him, “go to the river and wash your mouth, in the meantime I’ll wash your brain - that was the first brainwashing a man was subjected to.”

And so it was that Abram, his family, his tribe and his flocks of sheep made their way to the Promised Land, as did Lot, his nephew, with his family and his rich belongings.

But there was a big problem, on account that the warriors had heard that Lot wanted first choice in the share of the land they were both going to own.