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Writers' Showcase

Two Poems
by Doug Dawson

The Man from Nantucket

This poet wanted to have a little fun with the vulgar and offensive limerick
"The Man from Nantucket," and clean it up at the same time. Satirized here
is the hippie lifestyle (quitting one’s job, dropping out of society, joining a
commune) and talk ("Can you dig it, man?") from the 1960's and 1970's.

There once was a man from Nantucket,
A hippie who said "bummer, man,"
When he dropped out and opted to chuck it
And tossed his career in the can.

Now he’s found a new gig and he digs what he does,
He's a cat with a purpose again.
He likes to say "dig it" and means what he says,
This cat's now a gravedigger, man!


The Kid from Nantucket

Note: This is the sequel to this author's rewrite of "The Man from Nantucket."
The author of both poems wanted to write them without profanity, also to satirize
laziness and particularly in "The Kid from Nantucket," the poor language skills
and the silly clichés that seem to represent conversation among young people these days.

Like, you know, this kid from Nantucket
Said "Like I dunno, whatever."
To everything that he saw -
From baseball to art to the weather.
Nothing would stick in his craw.

His indifference grew, but he started to stew
O'er the one thing that could make him mad;
They gave him a job and they forced him to work -
And they found what a temper he had!
