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Writers' Showcase

Birth Complications
by Charlie Wade

Robbie had a complicated birth.

It takes a certain kind of man to chat up the midwife during his wife's labour, but Robbie's father thought nothing of it. It also takes a certain kind of midwife to reciprocate the advance. During the cries of, “Go on love, push,” she fluttered her eyelashes and gave cheeky smiles.

Robbie’s father left thirty minutes before he was born. The midwife left the same time, ensuring the birth complications were more complicated.

Naturally, his mother didn't have the best post-natal experience. No amount of scented candles, lilac bath bombs and whale song could heal a rejection like that.

In and out of care at the age of six, borstal at twelve and prison at seventeen, Robbie was set for a life of destitution and institution.

At the age of twenty five, Robbie took his revenge on society.

He became a traffic warden.