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Writers' Showcase

Wait And See
by M. V. Montgomery

As it turns out, one evening I was at a private auction bidding on two items:

  1. a nutrition bar with super-health benefits
  2. an elixir so potent it was said to arrest the aging process

Seated next to me at a long table were my two fellow-bidders, each elderly and infirm but with far more disposable income than me.  

So, shrewdly (or so I supposed), I decided to bid on the bar and let the others fight it out over the miracle drink.  But before either could object, I stole a minute “sample” of each. 

I ended up winning the nutrition bar, which was delicious, but nothing very magical. 

As for that sip of elixir—

Well, we’ll just have to see how long I can hold out, won’t we?