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I can see your lips moving
by Jilliana Ranicar-Breese

In the 1980’s I collected ventriloquist dummies. I had acquired 13 of them and had them sitting all around my living room at Alexandra Mansions. Several took up a whole chair and looked almost human.

One early morning the gas man came to read the meter and almost had a heart attack when he saw all the silent ‘bodies’ just sitting in the living room creating an eerie atmosphere. He exited very quickly!

My husband Martin Breese, a magician and magic publisher, didn’t want to be the 14th dummy and persuaded me to sell them.

Not an easy task. It was very challenging but I by chance had recently met the Swiss ventriloquist Retonio Breitenmoser at Portobello market. At the same time Valentine Vox the British ventriloquist had published his book ‘I can see your lips moving’ and was also a collector of dummies.

Martin proposed that my small collection be amalgamated with Valentine’s large ventriloquism collection and sold to Retonio for his museum in Las Vegas with Valentine being the curator as part of the deal. And it came to pass. However by 2020 the museum folded and Retonio shipped all its contents back to Appenzell where he had bought a disused furniture factory in the 80s. He called his haven the Dreamfactory.

25/1/25 written in Nightingale.