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Raffles hotel Singapore part 1
by Jilliana Ranicar-Breese

Once upon a time I saw an advertisement in the American collectors paper called PAC. The advert was more like a blog with the advertiser trying to find out the value of the collection of hotel labels he had inherited from his mother.

The value of the collection? I was probably at the time one of the few collectors in the world. The value of these wondrous works of art that would be stuck on luggage to identify the destination of the passenger. The best quality were the examples by Richter of Naples. The printer had the top clients such as the hotel Raffles in Singapore.

I asked to see photocopies of part of the collection.
This was the era before faxes but in any case it was not for sale.

Enter Martin, my husband, to the rescue who owned a mail order conjuring business mainly selling his books to America! Plus, bien sur, he had a dollar bank account. He advised me to make an offer which was accepted and when the labels arrived, they were dated mainly 1900-1920. They were stuck down with a delicate stamp hinge so there was no damage. That day, from being an international Ephemera dealer, I became a hotel label collector. They were so beautiful, I just wanted to keep them all.

Amongst the prestigious hotels in the collection were two labels from the Raffles hotel. I already had one in a collection I had previously bought. Anyhow I was not selling.

The average price in Paris was 10-15 old francs so I was informed by a surprised French collector at my stand in Portobello Road. I had repriced my ordinary stock labels at 5 each and put each one in a sachet. I explained we were in London and not Paris and 5 was my price!
Needless to say the price was for the mundane labels. Raffles had been moved to Retrograph Archive and was not for sale!

Two things happened. The collector came back to my flat to see the labels. He was in shock and said he must come back from Paris the following week with Mark, his French label colleague. I arranged a room for their stay. The boys, as I called them, were pleased with their purchase. I ended up seeing both their separate collections in Paris as I was now recognised as one of them .

Next a woman turned up on my stand. Sat down and grabbed the hotel label box. She hurriedly flicked through very professionally.

Do you have any labels from the Raffles hotel? She asked.
Yes but not here or for sale. I have three but only for hire . I replied confidently.

Are you by chance Jilliana?

My name and reputation had got as far as Singapore.

Written 16/12/24 at Nightingale.