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Writers' Showcase

Sex for one part 1
by Jilliana Ranicar-Breese

It was the mid eighties and Retrograph, the photo archive decorative arts library, was getting well known.

One evening the phone rang and a coarse blatantly obviously Australian voice asked if that was Retrograph. She wanted to know how much I would charge for my Parisian lady print in a bedroom. I asked what kind of company the business was in. She shrieked across the room to find out. The reply came. A brothel.

She then went on to say that Mary-Anne Kenworthy, the owner was coming to London the next week as she had won an award at the Sexual Freedom Awards ceremony! Could she make an appointment to come on the Saturday, the morning of the awards? I was fascinated, never had I met the owner of a brothel before and so I agreed.

I looked up Langtrees in Kalgoorlie on her website and presumed she was the tempting lady illustrated on the website.

The day dawned and Mary-Anne appeared with her minder. She had no makeup on, with short cropped brown hair and a sunny smile. Her minder looked glum. He was the manager of her bordello and looked after the girls. She looked like Jane Fonda except for her clothes. A simple fresh white blouse and a very short mini skirt and pumps on her feet.

I had prepared my ladies of the night. 200 sepia original postcards from about 1920 judging by the decor and hairstyles.

But Madam seemed more interested in talking to me about how she became a working girl in Australia where brothels were legal. She was originally from New Zealand. Her minder went out for a drink in a pub. He had a red pitted nose so I suspect he was an alcoholic. He had heard it all before.

Madam told me her bible was called ‘Sex for one’ and she always travelled with it. She wanted to show it to me and thus another appointment on the Saturday before the awards.

Written 16/1/25 at Nightingale