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Writers' Showcase

Sex for one Part 2
by Jilliana Ranicar-Breese

Mary-Anne arrived on Saturday as she had promised but this time was alone. She had brought her bible with her and was showing me the sketches of vaginas when Martin put his head round the door to say good morning. Quite naturally she asked Martin which vagina was mine. It was obvious he didn’t know and being embarrassed, left the room.

She seemed very keen to talk about how she got started in the business. She was a single mother and had difficulty making a living. One day she passed a massage parlour, went in to ask for work and the rest is history.

She described the bedrooms and the girls, even an elderly Scottish woman for those who liked a mature woman!

She had a corporate brochure which she promised to post and some memorabilia from her shop attached to her museum on the history of prostitution in Kalgoorlie.

On Monday the brochure and a hat arrived with numbers on. I suspected they were erotic numbers and I was later proved right.

We were never to meet again and today on Google I read she sold the business for one million dollars.

Written 18/1/25 at Nightingale.