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Writers' Showcase

by Doug Hawley

In 2007, my wife Sharon and I took a cruise around the Hawaiian Islands, and then south to Fanning Island in the Republic Of Kiribati – a group of islands.  The Hawaii trip detoured two thousand miles (three thousand kilometers) south of Hawaii to satisfy the Jones Act which requires cruises to visit a foreign port for compliance with USA labor laws.  Applying USA’s labor laws would increase the price of some cruises prohibitively.  That is why many cruises which are primarily in the USA may stop in Ensenada Mexico or a Canadian port. 
Fanning Island had a deal with Norwegian Cruise Lines in return for support from NCL, Fanning Island allowed the ships to dock and had a friendly welcome to tourists.  NCL cruise ships don’t go there now.  The people of Fanning were taken from the Gilbert Islands to the east to produce copra from coconuts.  Many are of the Baha’i faith. 
Fanning is a small atoll with no elevation over a few feet or a meter or so.  Because of the Coriolis effect wind is mostly west to east, so huts are built so the opening faces East.  The temperature doesn’t change much.  The low elevation makes Fanning particularly vulnerable to rising seas from climate change. 
I soaked in the warm waters inside the atoll for pure pleasure while Sharon took a cultural tour.  My pure pleasure was interrupted by stepping on a rusty Spam can.  For reasons unknown to me, Spam is a popular food in the South Pacific, but the odds against me stepping on a rusty can were still large.  The only medical care there was a nurse with little equipment.  I walked over to where she dug the sand out with a needle.  Dummy Doug had not worn his shoes while going to the nurse, so I had to get my shoes, go back and painfully have the sand dug out again.  I worried about tetanus until we got home days later. 
Subsequent to the cruise, we heard from other people who were on a cruise which got part way to Fanning, but had to turn around to Hawaii because of a medical emergency on the ship, so it could have been worse.  We got to Fanning, and other than my fear of dying before getting home, enjoyed it.  I don’t eat Spam.