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Tutus in Paris
by Jilliana Ranicar-Breese

I came to live in Paris without social connections when I was about 30. I quickly realised that walking into an art gallery opening (vernissage) in Saint Germain, the Art District on the Left Bank, around 19.00, was the best place to meet interesting people.

One Wednesday evening, I picked a known artist, and was a little nervous as I knew almost no one in Paris, the City of Lights.

Mihail Chemiakin was a professional artist and de rigueur. The gallery was packed with branche guests so one could hardly view his paintings. It was a place just to be seen and not. I sat on a sofa next to a distinguished older gentleman who was looking bored and detached.

‘Quel est votre opinion de les peintures?’ I enquired.

He glanced at me, uninterested, until he heard my obvious English accent. Speaking fluent English, he suddenly perked up explaining he had lived many years in London in the 1950’s as Baron’s photographic assistant. Baron, who died in 1965, had been the famous London Society’s photographer. He rose and took me, gauche Jilliana, in hand introducing me to his Russian friend, the artist, that ‘Tout Paris’ was talking about. He proudly introduced himself as Genia from Moscow, a Russian Emigre.

I confided in Genia that I had just arrived in Paris and was living in the Rue Campagne Premiere, Montparnasse. I was informed that not only had scenes from the film ‘Au bout de souffle’ been shot in that street but also Modigliani had committed suicide by throwing himself out of his studio window.

Being my ‘protector’ for the evening and, as it was early Genia suggested we should pay a visit to his friend the German fashion photographer Willy Maywald at his studio in the Rue de la Grande Chaumiere, who hosted Salons on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

He went to make a phone call to ask if the Salon was on asking if ‘it’ was on.

‘Mais oui!’ Was the reply.

So off we went into the night, taking a taxi and chatting about art and photography. I had come to Paris to be educated. And educated I was over the coming years!

We arrived at Willy’s studio hidden at the end of a secret garden tucked away in a street famous for its art school. Genia opened the unlocked door and we entered another world.

There was elderly distinguished Willy on his couch in an original artist’s atelier with a high glass roof. His black and white portraits of famous artists, such as Chagall, Picasso and Braque, adorned the walls. Willy was surrounded by Spanish Transvestites wearing shocking pink tutus!! Some had long evening dresses in garish colours, others dressed in bling and little else, wearing wigs and very heavy makeup. Everyone was laughing and speaking Spanish so I joined in.

The fun loving guests were all shapes and sizes and looked fabulous. I realised we had gatecrashed a private birthday party for a cabaret singer.

Willy rose to greet me in English with a heavy guttural German accent.

‘Genia, you’ve come on the wrong night! Bring Jilliana on a Saturday night, I think she would prefer that!’

He nodded and smiled at me knowingly. A charming man who was later to be rediscovered by Jutta Neuman at the end of his life as a recognised black and white portrait and fashion photographer.

Genia suggested we leave as he had just been propositioned by one of the guests on his way to the bathroom. He assured me women were his preference.

We left and he accompanied me to my flat in Montparnasse. However, he hovered at the front door waiting to be invited in for who knows what, saying he was lonely and looking for a ‘relationship’. I thanked him for the evening and we agreed to meet on a Saturday for the Salon but made certain he understood there would be no ‘relationship’.

Willy Maywald, the fashion photographer of Dior’s ‘New Look’ was the catalyst for my ‘New Life’ in Paris, although he never knew how his Saturday Salons would educate me , giving me the self confidence I lacked and leading me to find my new identity!

Originally written in Brighton in 2015 and updated in March 2019.