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Writers' Showcase

A Poem Thinking of The Decameron
by Rick Tornello

In this day of plague and stay
No going out to play
Just like days of old
When Boccaccio wrote a novel that many have quoted
To give light to a most black period we’ve all noted.
I have begun a zoo instead
to feed your sense of humor, and hoping it might not be dead.

To in these dark times as in olde
some humour, a gift to have and to behold.
Food for the mind I cooked it well
with servings to come I can promise that
a balanced diet of protein and fat.

But This? An appetizer first, oh please inhale the smell
It's a tease of sorts in this current hell.
The main course bakes in my kitchen's brain
the ingredients need mixing and settling, impatience’s bane.
Yet soon will cast the written spell
And from this pen or digital well
Will more delight to be set before
And sit yet while I sum and state bit more.

As you see the angels stony gaze
At my first repeatable success in total amaze.
I with my basic skills in bakery,
have grown the first “Bread In Captivity” !

And in good manner be damned I’ll say no more.

by Rick Tornello © 2020 & The Village idiot Press