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Writers' Showcase

Keep Your Chin Up
by Stephen Philip Druce

I went into my local telephone box recently.

Now I've been in some filthy phone boxes in my time, but this one surpassed all others in the filthy league.

It was a league of filth in a league of its own filth. A filthy league that exceeded all filthy leagues of phone box filthy league filth. It was filthy.

There was the usual aroma of stale urine in there, a discarded half eaten meat pie, a blow up doll hanging from the telephone receiver, a rat swimming in gravy and snot, and there was a dead man's chin lef lying on top of the telephone directory.

I called the police and the officer asked me if I could give him any information about the chin.

I told him I wasn't a qualified severed chin examiner, not an avid follower of severed chins, not employed by the severed chin industry, not a stalwart member of the severed chin society - in the round, just not a severed chin kind of bloke.

He asked me what my main concern was regarding the chin.

I told him my main concern was the fact that the chin was there. The sheer fact that there was a chin in a filthy phone box in a filthy league of its own filth. A filthy league that transcended all filthy leagues of phone box filthy league filth.

"Is the chin hairier than yours?" asked the officer.

I told him it was and he said - "well you're lucky you're chin wasn't severed, but it sounds like you've had a close shave".