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Writers' Showcase

The Belly Button’s Secret
by Rico Salvatore

Does your belly button stink?
Does it have a ton of lint?
Is it one that’s popping out?
Or one that’s hiding inside more?
If you want to know for sure,
Take a good look down below,
It’s half way between the top of your head
And the bottom of your toes.
One look will tell you
And then you’ll be sure to know.
If it’s one you find inside,
No matter how it hides,
Stick you finger in and twist it all about.
Take your time before you pull it out.
Observe carefully for a sign of any lint
Then to your nose, any odor any hint?
Does your nose crinkle-wrinkle at the smell?
Then you know oh quite well,
That your belly button has it’s own unique belly button smell.
For fun you might want to try (and it’s not bad so you won’t be sad).
To show your mom, show your dad:

Stick you finger toward their faces.
Tell them “come here and sniff.”
Then watch the funny looks your finger traces
on their scrunched up noses and faces.

By Rico Salvatore © 2024