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Writers' Showcase

Three Poems
by Rick Tornello

Halloween Poem

Does the noise in my head keep you up at night?
DO the goblins and gouls, with the bad things they say,
make you wish you were far, so far away?
My spider like thoughts, weaving their web
wake you at night, look under your bed!
Plotting and planning all to my own.
So get out of my head, this is no place to roam.
Does the noise in my head keep you from sleep,
and make you wish, some other company’s keep?
For the sake of your sanity not written in clause,
Better to leave, cause…
the noise in your head, the noise in the house,
yes it could,                     be a mouse.
It could be nothing, it could be a dream,
But then again
it might be what it seems.
Private once, were my own dreams.
Now in your head they warp and they weave
threading their way to your darkest deep fears.
Lying in bed, all eyes and all ears.
The noise in your head, the noise in the house,
yes it could,                                 be a mouse.
It could be nothing, it could be a dream
But then again
it might be what it seems.



My proctologist is an alien and this I know
cause her sixth finger through her gloves still show.
Documents and records gleaned on this planet years it seems.
Found careers that fit their tasks of up the butt human reaming.
Yes, she’s an alien. Yes, she’s an alien. Yes she’s an alien
Her fingers tell me so.

I’ve been abducted enough times, and notice that similarity genetic she hides,
with that charming smile and talk, her tightly folded hands might slide
better by under her bum thus sitting hide.
She thinks I don’t notice when she probes.

Probe me probe me. Stick it up and strobe me.
See what you want. View what you need.
Reboot the expanded part. Put it back together and withdraw.
I’ve been abducted and know I’m not going to die.
Just keep your aim straight and true and I won’t tell on you.

I see the Diploma on the wall behind her desk. Best school in the galaxy.
Suma cum laude no less. University of Uranus.


By, Rick Tornello© 2022



The fire marshal investigated the destruction at the dairy.
His summary was submitted hereby:

“A strong electrical storm struck the yogurt dairy.
The result I observed was fire and smoke that would choke,
massive electrical damage and culture shock.”

By Rick Tornello© 2022
