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Writers' Showcase

Used Books
by Rico Salvatore

Whisky and books
Used books, words missing from pages?
Used books, pages clipped from chapters?
Used books, scribbled in, highlighted or blacked out?
Used books? Do the words disappear per each reading?
Used books, to the bookseller for maintenance and repairing,
reworded correctly for the time and sharing,
by the seller all complete are, sold with guaranteed are,
certified, pre-owned, re-read, correctly politically edited by far.
With a stamp of approval embossed,
from our 1st new amendment modified and enforced
Since no others to be bought or sold allowed,
buy some now!
For those at school readings required
study the classics redacted and corrected.
Our used books need not be burned nor trashed.
Literacy for the masses, at a fair prices,
and last for school time classes.
Used Books anyone?

By Rico Salvatore © 2024