of Rupert Brooke in the grounds
of the Old Vicarage in Grantchester,
near Cambridge, England
A former residence of Brooke and
the current home of Jeffrey Archer
The Soldier? (Poem)
Of Rupert Brooke,
scant knowledge I possessed:
I thought he'd died with pen and gun in
Wrote verse while digging trenches. And,
I guessed,
Expressed the horrors seen in No
Mans Land.
But sepsis from a Greek mosquito's bite
Despatched him early, so he never saw
The battles Owen and Sassoon would fight
Hence Brooke idealised life lost in war.When Dean, Monroe and Lady
Di had passed,
An icon status grew from public need.
Thus Brooke lent those who fell a face
and voice.
This handsome, troubled soul could be
ranked last
For epithet of 'war poet' to
Might 'Pre-war poet' be the
soldier's choice?
by Rupert Brooke:

© Swan Morrison