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Writers' Showcase - Page 12


George A. Renn:

The author is a former college math and English instructor, travelled the seven seas, and wrote and illustrated whimsical stories for the young of imagination. He published short notes on Chaucer’s use of folklore and science.
He worked on a medieval archeological dig, painted slum schools in Brazil, Sierra Leone, Spain and Haiti, made bricks in Egypt, repaired wheelchairs in Lebanon, and entertained children in Chile He finds delight in repairing old cars and vintage bicycles, occasionally successfully.

Five Playful Poems About Mythological Icons And Historical Characters

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Michael R. Burch:

Michael R. Burch's poems have been published by hundreds of literary journals, taught in high schools and colleges, translated into 19 languages, incorporated into three plays and four operas, and set to music, from swamp blues to classical, by 31 composers. His short humor has been published by LIGHT, Lighten Up Online and Asses of Parnassus, among others.

Poems of Michael R. Burch

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Shamik Banerjee:

Shamik Banerjee is a poet from Assam, India where he resides with his parents.
Some of his recent publications include York Literary Review, Ekstasis, The Dirigible Balloon, and Modern Reformation.

Poems of Shamik Banerjee

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Kamna Chhabra:

Kamna Chhabra is a teacher in a school in India. She occasionally ventures into the world of writing, inspired by bright ideas striking her. She embraces her role as a ‘bits and pieces’ writer, finding joy in capturing moments of creativity, whenever these appear.

Grin and Bear It
Kitten Smitten
Kitchen, Cooking, and Creation
Celeb Selling

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Patricia Pease:

Patricia Pease has been published in 50 Give or Take, 50 Word Stories, and upcoming issues of Hippocampus and Barren Magazines.

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Eugene Samolin:

Eugene Samolin is an author with a purpose. In 2015, a vision of the Tree of Life gave him inspiration for his fiction. 
A post-graduate degree in professional writing in 2017 helped hone his craft. 
He has a dozen publishing credits to his name. His career statement is to ‘Write fiction to inspire people to build a better world for all humankind.’ 
He hopes that his stories will help pave the way for the Messianic Age. 
He is now in the process of polishing his works for publication. Follow him at

The Spirit in You
I am Israel

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Donna Gum:

Donna Gum enjoys writing flash fiction in the Appalachian Mountains. Her recent fiction was published in the inaugural issue of Borderline Tales, CafeLit, Fifty Give or Take, and Flash Phantoms with upcoming publication in Freedom Fiction, Down in the Dirt, and Academy of the Heart and Mind.


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