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Rose DeShaw:

Rose DeShaw lives in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. She wrote regular columns for 35 years variously in The Mystery Review, The Anglican Journal and the Canadian Churchman, continues to be in the papers and frequently anthologized while presently marketing a novel about the return of Louisa May Alcott to life in 21st century Manhattan.
Visit Rose's Blog at:

Gran With A Bag
Hair Hates Hats
Keeping A Sharp Eye On The Bluebells
My House ISN'T Haunted!
What I Was Really Up To
The Difference Writer Gender Makes On The Home Front
Dumpster Diving With Edward Hopper
Canadian Small Town On The New York Border
Etiquette And The Most Wanted
Driving Him Worse Than Crazy

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Lucinda Kempe:

Lucinda Kempe’s home is on Long Island, New York. A transplanted Southerner from New Orleans, she lives in an Arts & Crafts Style house with a mate, two reproductions, a Labrador named Comus, a Ragdoll, and an everyday cat named Mitten K.T.

Mogo Rules
Rodential Patrols

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Kyle Hemmings:

Kyle Hemmings is the author of three chapbooks of poems: Avenue C (Scars Publications), Fuzzy Logic (Punkin Press), and Amsterdam & Other Broken Love Songs (Flutter Press). He has been pubbed at Gold Wake Press, Thunderclap Press, Blue Fifth Review, Step Away, and The Other Room. He blogs at


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Sheila Cornelius:

Sheila Cornelius lives in London and her hobby is listening to conversations on public transport.

All the Fun of the Fair
Cross Purposes

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David Harker:

David Harker lives in part of a converted watermill in deepest, darkest rural South Shropshire. His work has been published on Pygmy Giant, Dailylove, the Short Humour Site and Long Story Short. His loves are Writing, Landscape Photography, Walking and Travel.

Geometry of Life
Wedding Belle
Wild West Air
At the Elventh Hour

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Len Horridge:

Len Horridge is a regular contributor to the radio and the pub. He spends his time working for a living, but has published lots of stuff on Lulu. He notes that he is educated beyond his intelligence and living, currently.

Seeing Eye Cat
Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark

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Lyn McCauley:

Lyn McCauley lives in Canada.

At The (Canadian) Cottage

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Joanna Jordan:

Joanna Jordan lives in the North East of England with her husband, where she keeps an overgrown allotment for her pets and poultry.

The Ginger-Haired Lad - A Parody

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Jerry Constantino:

Jerry Constantino is a former magazine publisher who lives in North Carolina, USA. He smiles a lot and sees the glass half-full and the world half-sane. Among the news media, books and magazines, the coffee shop and life in general, it is the unusual that most often catches his eye. He walks, he talks and he writes. He is not a cynic though he sometimes sounds like one. He believes in people, human nature, sun, stars, etc. He loves his family, all of 'em. And he loves's just that it sometimes gets distorted through his glasses. He doesn't often refer to himself in the third person unless he is trying to pretend someone else is saying this.
He blogs at

An Adage Disproved

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Uzodinma Okehi:

Uzodinma Okehi lives, breathes, writes, and draws comics in New York City for issues of his zine, Blue Okoye.
Contact him at:

Tumescent Guise

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Nigel Hutchinson:

Nigel Hutchinson is an artist and former teacher who lives in Warwickshire and slips between words and things that cannot be said with words. His writing has appeared in Equinox, Under The Radar and The Collected Warks. Work is due to appear in Erbacce and Cake. He lived in Leeds before the Clean Air Act.

Leeds To Marlon Brando

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Richard John Purvis:

Richard John Purvis is a Canadian author. He has a love of language and an odd way of looking at the world. He can often be found reading or writing late into the night, occasionally glancing warily at his toaster.

Alexander The Great

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Edgar Rider:

Edgar Rider appears in Warwick Unbound, Camel Saloon, and Ken*again.


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Henry Smith:

Henry Smith is an English advanced teacher in Zhuanglang No. 1 High School, Gansu, China. His hobby is writing English short stories.

Can You Stand without Your Feet on the Ground?

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Jack Brown:

Jack Brown works as an English teacher in Northwest China. He is very popular among his students.

The Awkward Moment

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Mike Krumboltz:

Mike Krumboltz works as a writer for Yahoo. He specializes in news, pop culture, and politics. He is also earning his MFA in fiction from St. Mary's College in California. He was recently awarded the Leonard Michaels scholarship for literary excellence from St. Mary's. He lives in Oakland with his wife and a large number of books that he has never read but look good on his shelves.


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Lora Grillo:

Lora Grillo is the co-author of the children's book, The Forever-Green Tree with Nicholas Aiello Ph.D. (look for it on She lives in Astoria, New York but got her writing wings in Seattle for a now defunct magazine called Resonance.
Recently, a short fiction piece by Lora appeared on Apparatus Magazine:


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Richard Smith:

Richard Smith prefers to write English short stores. He works in Zhuanglang No. 1 High School, Gansu Province, China.

A Story of Two Wolves and a Squirrel

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Rose Smith:

Rose Smith is a pen name of He Yangxi, a young English teacher in China. She practises writing short stories in her spare time.

Love Umbrella

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Trevor Johnson:

Trevor Johnson is editor of the satirical British website The Daily News,
This is a British comedy website featuring fake news and real other stuff, from travel diaries to “scary pub” reviews.
It is broadcast from London, Monday to Friday.

Obama in shock at unexpected result of "Which Sugababe Are You?" quiz

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Chris Dean:

Chris Dean lives in Iowa, USA.

The Gentlemen Callers

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Peter Taylor:

Peter Taylor was born in 1951. He has worked in Zhuanglang No. 1 High School, China, for thirty –one years. He is very good at telling short stories in English.

A Story of the Bed

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Amanda Neufeld:

Amanda Neufeld lives with a small beast in Alberta, Canada, and is constantly reminded that he considers himself the owner in the relationship. A crafter, musician, her mother's personal source of entertainment, among other things, Amanda is a bit out there, but not affluent enough to afford being "eccentric".

Mine Name iz Cooper

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Tom Speropulos:

Tom Speropulos is a freelance writer and photographer living in the USA’s southwest (Mesa, Arizona).

News Bulletin: Half Brothers Re-united
More News Briefs
Pass the Salt
God Wants You to Be Rich
Have a Nice Flight
The Lost Child
Red or Blue?
Food for Thought
Eve Speaks

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Amy Quincy:

Amy Quincy earned a B.A. in English with a creative writing emphasis from Florida State University in 1992. She worked in several different corporate positions, became a massage therapist and built her own practice until 2006, when a stroke forced her to do something she now says she should have done a long time ago—commit to working full time on her writing. Amy has been published in Skirt!, Talking Writing, Fiction Fix, Kaleidoscope and has been featured in The Florida Times-Union.
Amy lives in Jacksonville, Florida with Bella, a persnickety kitty and Frankie, a Pekingese who monopolizes her time and is always up for a walk.
You can read more on her blog at or visit her website

I Love My Pomegranate

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Fiona Lambert:

Fiona Lambert is a new flash fiction writer, who writes in all the genres available, just to make sure.
For more links to her work, please visit her blog at

Loving Family

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Jackie Macintosh:

Jackie Macintosh lives in Dorset, England. She has two grown children and has recently joined a creative writing group, Dorset Scribblers, in the village where she lives.

The Stand-in
Local Fare

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David Yamrus:

David Yamrus is in his early fifties. He lives in Pinliang, China. He has had several English stories published, and is practicing writing every day.

Courage Needed to Do a Good Deed

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Bobby Morris:

Bobby Morris lives in Leicestershire, England, and is currently a jobseeker.
He writes in his spare time, and has recently published his first novel, Ned Ludd: He-Goose from Hell, which is published via CreateSpace.
Click on the links below to see the book at Amazon:

The Civilised Tea Party
Generous Sponsorship

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Samuel Cole:

Samuel Cole lives in Woodbury, MN. He loves to run, STEP, photograph bumblebees, hang with friends, boo bad movies, and of course, write.
Check out his website:

"BTW, it's Brook"

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April Aasheim:

April Aasheim is a writer living in Portland, Oregon. She has published numerous short stories and maintains an active blog detailing her adventures as a reluctant housewife at
She has also published a book: The Universe is a Very Big Place and is currently working on her second novel: The Witches of Dark Root.

Terror in the Neighborhood

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Jerry Guarino:

Jerry Guarino writes short stories.  His latest collection, Cafe Stories: west coast stories, is available as a paperback and kindle on  He has written one novel, The Da Vinci Diamond.  Please visit his website at: He is an editor for Flash Fiction Magazine.

His stories have been published by dozens of literary magazines in the United States, Canada, Australia and Great Britain, including: 6 Tales, Alfie Dog Fiction (Great Britain), Apocrypha and Abstractions, Ariel Chart (Australia), Bewildering Stories (Canada), Blogcritics, The Blotter Magazine, CafeLit (Great Britain), The Chaffey Review Literary Magazine, Daily Flash Fiction 2012, Daily Love, Eskimo Pie, The Feathered Flounder, Flashquake, The Fringe Magazine (Australia), The Glass Coin (Canada), Hackwriters Magazine (Great Britain), Hobo Pancakes, Jokes Review, Larks Fiction Magazine, Leaning House Press, The Legendary, Linguistic Erosion, Literally Stories (Great Britain), Litsnack, MediaVirus, Motley Press, Mouseprose, The Piker Press, Pill Hill Press, Postcard Shorts, Potato Soup Journal, Ray's Road Review, The Rusty Nail, The Scarlet Leaf Review (Canada), The Scarlet Sound, Scissors and Spackle, Shadow Fiction, The Short Humour Site (Great Britain), Stanley the Whale, State of Imagination, The Stream Press, Thadd Presley Publications (Great Britain), Troubadour 21, Twenty or Less Press, Watch Me Bounce, Weirdyear, Wherever It Pleases, Writing Raw and Zouch Magazine and Miscellany (Canada).  

clickable image


The Cleaner
Pest Control
Little Rubber Feet
Bush Man
Dream a Little Dream
Do Betta Fish Have Teeth?
Dr. Mariani’s Anti-Aging Dream Machine
Jack and Jill
Death by Pickleball
Angry Birds
Some Things Are More Important
The Juggler
The Potyl
You’re Going the Wrong Way
The Autopsy
Weak Tea and Muffin Tops
Trick or Treat
The Duke of Yelp
Buon Cibo
Can’t Buy Me Love
The Cat Burglar
The Great Zucchini
The Old Fisherman
To Pee or Not to Pee, That is the Question
Holiday Kringla Cookies
Family Fun Day
Alexa, Tovala and the Brown Bear Car Wash
Tony and Angela’s Romantic Date
Girls Selling Fireworks
A Tale of Two Mikes
The Italian Festival
Make Love, Not Pickleball
The Angry Vegetarian

Marley the Vegan Dog Series

Vegan Dog and Stoned Cat
Yankee Doodle
Bird Lady and the Bunnies
Marley’s Next Adventure
The Chicken Coop
Ice Cream Girl

Criminal Lawyers Series

Criminal Lawyers: Michael Bellagio
Criminal Lawyers: Maria Gonzalez
Criminal Lawyers: John Williams


The Canadian Trilogy:
Death After Dinner
Memories and Regrets
No Turkey on Thanksgiving?

The Rooster Trilogy:
The Music Man
Coq a Doodle Do
Rooster Redux

The Goldberg Variations Trilogy:
Practical Goldberg (A Love Story in 3 Parts)
TV All the Time
The Duke of Yelp

The College Love Story Trilogy:
Apple Sauce
The DJ
Mashed Potatoes and Marinara Sauce

The New York, New York Trilogy:
Apple Juice
Double Sting

The Surprise Endings Trilogy:
Pie or Die
One Prius, Two Prius, Pink Prius, Blue Prius

The Frustration with Technology Trilogy:
I am the writer; I speak for the programmers
(with apologies to Dr. Seuss)
Mama Mia
Phone Booths and Mailboxes

The Justice Trilogy
The Black Hole
Trick or Treat
The Thief

The Nostalgia StoriesTrilogy
It’s a Lot of Work Being a Girl
Who Stole Asbury Park?
Now I Understand

The Happy Endings Trilogy
Boxes and Ladders
A Good Marriage
Anything but Indian Food

The Unhappy Endings Trilogy
The Bridge Game
First Love
Software Bugs

The Destiny Stories Trilogy
Love, Luck and Fate
The Angry Vegetarian
The Lighthouse

The Science Fiction Trilogy
Operation ICU
Under the Apple Tree

The Funny Trilogy
Preheat the Microwave.Com
The Rich are Going to Hell
Traffic Stop with Annie Kim

The Back from the War Trilogy
The Chess Table
The Road
The Social Justice Experiment

The Love Interrupted Trilogy
The Love Beads
In the Mood
Respectable Sinners

The Sins of the Father Trilogy
Like Father, Like Son
What’s in a Name?

Author Favorites
The Tightrope
The Grand Poobah
The Devil’s Orchestra

The Mysteries Trilogy
The Waiting Room
The Sonoma Murder Mystery

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Liz Lowe:

If You See Me On A Gurney, Call My Attorney
Do You "Like" My Brilliant New Facebook Idea?

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Alison Bennett:

Alison Bennett was born in the early sixties and  lives in Dorset. She is married with three grown up children and a Springer Spaniel called Jerry Springer. She is a Community Team Leader of the Pop In Place and has written scripts and sketches for a local Performers Group that she leads to stage.
She is also a member of
Dorset Scribblers, a relatively new writers' group that has been started in the village in which she lives.
She has previously published poetry and a short romantic fiction online.

The Chi Spot

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Patricia Kings:

Patrica Kings has been writing since she was in her late twenties. She went to writing weekends in Stratford-upon-Avon with the Leicester  journalist, Trudy Dub, who has since died. Trudy arranged writing holidays, and on one of these, Patricia met her husband, who also writes. Patrica and her husband used to go to the Leicester Adult Education Centre for creative writing workshops, and have now formed, with others, their our own group at the Leicester Arts Centre called Phoenix Writers.

A Smoker's Lot
The Martians

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Richard Nicholson:

Richard Nicholson lives in Dorset and is a member of the Dorset Scribblers writing group. He has two daughters who have now left home, and still brings his wife a coffee every Saturday morning.

Saturday Morning 7.30

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Janette Nourse:

Janette Nourse lives in Dorset with her husband and two cats; she has three children, four grandchildren and recently became a great-grandmother. She has been writing bits and pieces all her life but has not had time to do so for many years. She decided that if she didn't get on with it now, she would run out of life!! She joined Dorset Scribblers in 2011 and it has inspired her to restart something she enjoys. She has also been trying new genres of writing. 

A Fishy Tale

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Janette Perkins:

Janette Perkins, now retired, has written many book reviews over many years, mainly childrens' fiction. She is a voracious reader, and is relishing having the time to write a bit more. She loves the absurd, witty and offbeat situations we all find ourselves in, and enjoys trying to find the trick of retelling them. She recently joined Dorset Scribblers at Bere Regis, Dorset.

Simple Simon - A Tale of Modern Neuroses

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Julie Lye:

Julie Lye lives in Dorset and is a member of a writers group in her village which she enjoys immensely.

A Well Shaped Walk
Pick Me

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Justin Fish:

Justin Fish lives in Vermont.

No Straight Lines

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Adam Drake:

The Decision

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David Francis:

David Francis has produced six albums of songs, one of poems, and "Always/Far,"a chapbook of lyrics and drawings.
He has written and directed the films "Village Folksinger" (2013) and "Memory Journey" (2018). 
David's poems and stories have appeared in a number of journals and anthologies.

Everybody's Tired
Portrait of a Socialite with a Peach Shawl
Classless Summer Society
The All-Nighter or Lunacy at Dawn
Five Poems
Outside City Limits

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Ralphie A Burcke:

Please allow me to introduce myself: I am the RAB-man, the master of drivel. They say I have the Midas twitch. They call me the Midas twat, the Grand Ducat, the Lord of fools´gold, the Quadruple quibbler, the Knobby nibbler, the Roundabout ruminator, the Faux pasta chef. In one word, well... in two actually: Modesty Itself. Let me entertain you, confound you and hound you, laugh with you and fart at you, tickle you and spit at you. For the truth is Here or There. Well... it´s somewhere(if you care to look!) I am Julius Teaser: I came, I wrote and I was censured! I am Bart Anthony, I got Cleopatra's maid! I am Alex, the Not-so-great!

Ralphie A Burcke is a comedy writer/blogger and founder of He is also co-author on the comedy E-magazine He lives in Alicante, Spain.

Things That Go VROOOMMMM!
Newsflash: Ralphie is Now BIG in Nepal!
The War of Strange Worlds

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K. A. Laity:

K. A. Laity is the award-winning author of Owl Stretching, Chastity Flame, Unquiet Dreams and a bunch of stories, plays, academic essays and short humour pieces.
A complete list can be found at while she can usually be found on Twitter and Facebook.

Biscuits ............ Hope ............  
On Seeking a Place for a Picnic   Deliberately Lost SF Classics    
Kingsley Amis in the Afterlife        
The Flying Seal        
Open Letter to the Social Media Pill        
The Stages of Fame        
Proposal for a New Quiz Show: How to Catch a Millionaire        
Tourist Hotels        
This is Just to Say        
Wicklow Street Lobster Reel        

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Chloë Yates:

Chloë Yates got her first taste of success pretty recently. In May 2012, her prose piece Don't Do it, Salvador won the inaugural Postcard Fiction Contest, published at:
Then in October 2012 she won Fox Spirit Books’ International Talk Like a Pirate Day Flash Fiction contest with her very short piece Leave the Pistol Behind:
Her first published short story can be found in the anthology Weird Noir edited by K.A Laity (available through Amazon). You can find her occasionally vitriolic, sometimes sentimental blog at:
Chloë currently lives in Switzerland with her bearded paramour, Mr Y, and their disapproving dog, Miss Maudie.

A Plague Rhyme
A Worrying Escalation
The Seven Deaths of Horatio McGubbin - or Keeping it Interesting
The Moon, Who Would Sing a Sad Song
The Prophet

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Michael Franklin:

Michael Franklin is a freelance journalist and writer, having retired as an English teacher. His novels, available on Amazon, are: Splitting Heirs, Lundy and the Missing Six and In Vein in Vain. He has also had cartoons published in Reveille and Titbits. He finds his mother tongue, English, a perpetual source of amusement and surprise.

Live With It ............ 'Oldham? No - Burnham!' ............  
Tap Dancing   Pop of the Pops!    
Copse Could Be Policemen!   On Yer' Bike    
Sinitials...   of corset does...    
Pardon   Logger Rhythm    
Arseole Reason   Getting A Broad?    
You're In        
Shore Tumour        
Under Where?        

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April Winters:

April Winters hopes her stories will help readers forget their troubles, if only for a little while. More of her work can be read at Short-Story.Me (Romance and Flash Fiction sections) and Linguistic Erosion (August 10, 2012).

Going Green
The Die Hard
The Birthday Gift

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Alun Williams:

Alun Williams lives in Wales and has been wring for about 20 or so years with modest publication success including Do Hookers Kiss, Palehouse, Write Side up and Black Heart magazine. If he had to say if there was one writer who inspired him it would be Bukowski. If he doesn't have to say it, then he won't. Some of his work can be read on forums like Scrawl and Zoetrope under his alter ego Maxwell Allen, and some on critters-bar under Maxwell's split personality maxieslim.  

The Secret of Sleep
Kennedy and Me

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Justine M. Dunn:

Justine M. Dunn is British and currently living in Slovenia where she spends much of her time writing and generally avoiding the real world. She writes flash and micro-fiction and has recently completed her first novel, Beach Lanes, due for release later this year.
See what she's up to at

Go To Sleep

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Sarah Lye:

What A Doughnut

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