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Writers' Showcase - Page 8


Hermine Robinson:

Hermine Robinson lives and writes in western Canada where the winters are long and inspiration is plentiful. She loves all things short fiction and refuses to be the place where perfectly good characters and story ideas come to die. Her work has appeared in numerous online and literary journals since 2013.

Grouch Insurance
Old Socks
Silk Pajamas
Marshall Law
Grey Zone
A Flock of Leaves

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Robert Lowell Russell:

Robert Lowell Russell, a native Texan, lives with his family in southeastern Ohio. He is a former librarian and current nursing student. He once aspired to be a history professor, but found writing about the real world too constraining. Rob likes to write about all sorts of things but frequently includes action and humor in his work. Not satisfied with writing stories of questionable content for adults, he's also started work on series of middle-grade books incorporating his love of not-so-super-heroes and toilet-humor.
For links to more of Rob's stories (or to see him dressed like a ninja) visit:

Thirty More Seconds

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Gabby Duran:

When he's not researching antidisestablishmentarianism, Gabby writes.
You can check out his blog at
The Palace of Sanity or follow him on Twitter at

A Conversation With the Monster Under My Bed
Officer Dumont: The Chase

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Robert Levin:

Robert Levin is the author of When Pacino’s Hot, I’m Hot: A Miscellany of Stories and Commentary. (The Drill Press.) 

On Turning Sixty

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George Haerle:

George Haerle is a writer with a BA in progress for creative works for entertainment, and has experience writing non-fiction, essays and articles, and fiction that includes but is not limited to: horror, fantasy, science fiction, and action/adventure.    

Gary and Danny the Cheese Sandwich Go to Hell

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Melissa Grunow:

Melissa Grunow's writing has appeared in New Plains Review, Yemassee, The Quotable, 94 Creations Literary Review, and Black Fox Literary Magazine, among others. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from National University, an MA in English from New Mexico State University, and a BS in English-creative writing from Central Michigan University. She is full-time English faculty at an applied arts college in southeastern Michigan.
Visit her website at 

Reflections of a Burned Out Manager

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AJ Pierz:

AJ Pierz lives in St. Paul, Minnesota, and is currently working on her debut novel.
Learn more about her latest projects at

Not A Stalker

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Alister Thorpe:

My name is Alister Thorpe, and currently I live and work ( volunteer ) in Sandakan Sabah, Malaysia. If you have a map handy, it's on the far northeastern part of Borneo. Population of 400 thousand plus, home to many ethnic groups that more or less co - exist in harmony.
My wife is a local with both Kadazan and Chinese heritage. She is also a principal at one of the high schools and I must say very capable; keeping me well in line on most occasions. We met through our mutual desire to teaching English ( I know it sounds improbable, but very true) and making a long story short I moved here just over a year ago from Thailand where I had been for the previous 7.
I'm a 57 year old Australian by the way so please don't hold that against me. Talking a lot and giving my free advice on most topics are my main strengths ( my wife begs to differ ). 

Mid Flight Blues
The 12 Hour Wedding
My Last Swim
The Not So Super Supermarket

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Lily Murphy:

Lily Murphy is from Cork city, Ireland and says she is the kind of person who gets lost crossing the street.

Eight Legged Terrorists
Trials and Tribulations of the Celtic Tiger Cubs
My Short Time as a Babysitter
A Saturday Night Abduction
The 8am Yoga Man
Bad albums, There Just is no Excuse
A Festive Kind of Drunk
My Tarry Friend
Strange Irish Place Names

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Robert Bates:

Robert Bates is a bored loan office who gets bored and writes things sometimes. He also enjoys Christopher Nolan movies, outdated music, long walks in the rain, manly things, strawberry ice cream, and irony.


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Richard Golding:

The Mystery of the Upturned Bowl

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Luke Poajala:

Montage Sequenced Into Oblivion
Other things that are shaped like the plot-arc of Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow

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Deanna Morris:

Deanna Morris is a MFA graduate of Butler University with publishing credits for short stories, poetry, interviews, and freelance articles. 

Real Deal

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Bill Harvey:

Born in Detroit, Mi., USA on June 27, 1954. Bill Harvey got hooked on Marvel superhero comic books at an early age, especially the artwork of Jack Kirby.   He bought his first official art table at age 16, and it's still in (daily) use today.
He has followed the dream of making a living from the artboard. In the meantime, he has supported himself as a computer technician. 
He has self-published several comic books in a series titled DangerWorld. But greater commercial success has been elusive. 
Around 2008 he decided to switch from action/adventure superhero style comic book endevors to a newspaper style "humor" comic strip. He picked the title The ODDS while wondering what the odds were of finding success in that field. 
The ODDs features married seniors Tad and Elmira Odd, and generally covers marriage, dieting, doctors, the workplace, the economy, and culture. 
Bill has never married, other than being wed to his vocation in life: creating at the artboard.
See more of Bill's work at:
Behold Comics.

The ODDs (1)
The ODDs (2)

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Edward Fabian Kennedy:

Edward Fabian Kennedy was raised on Long Island but has traveled to more than 70 countries. He earned a PhD in anthropology and taught in academia for three years before running out the back door, screaming, and into the front door of the MFA program in creative writing at the City College of New York, where he is currently a student.

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Karl MacDermott:

Karl MacDermott is an Irish-born comedy writer. He has written jokes no one has laughed at, radio plays no one has listened to, a television series no one watched and a novel, The Creative Lower Being. no one read. He should be a very morose individual but he is not because he is deeply passionate about facilitating his delusions. He has had articles published in the Irish Times and online publications such as Literary Orphans, Every Day Fiction and Pure Slush. He is currently writer-in-residence at his home in Dublin. His new novel, Ireland’s Favourite Failure, is available on Amazon Kindle.
Watch a promo video of Ireland’s Favourite Failure by the world’s worst literary agent 

Five Nitty-Gritty Ditties

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Gracjan Kraszewski:

Gracjan Kraszewski is the author of a novel entitled The Holdout (Adelaide Books, 2018) and a Civil War history Catholic Confederates (Kent State Univ. Press, 2020). Thermonuclear Mirth, a novel, under contract and forthcoming with Arouca Press. Selected fiction has appeared in Amsterdam Quarterly, Riddle Fence, Nashwaak Review, Wilderness House Literary Review, Eclectica Magazine, The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, New English Review, The Southern Distinctive, PILGRIM, Bull: Men’s Fiction, Black Bear Review, Adelaide Literary Magazine, The MacGuffin, The Scriberlus and on The Short Humour (UK) website. Selected articles, essays, and reviews have appeared in The Catholic Historical Review, The Polish Review, the Journal of Southern History, the Journal of Southern Religion, Idaho Magazine.  

Interview Day
Albert Albertson
The Last Stand of David Gopher-Bonk
Final Projects
Organic Honey
Bumper Sticker(s)

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Nathan Cromwell:

Nathan Cromwell hails from cold, wintery clouds, denting cars and driving pedestrians indoors. Between outbursts he lives in San Francisco, USA. He has appeared in Ineffective Ink.

The Typo
Iron Age Warrior Remains Unearthed in Bexhill
Godzilla Vs. Rodin: a Fable
The Princess & The Peas
Strange Rains #1
Srange Rain #2: Partly Cloudy, With A Chance Of Rats

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Annie Jones:

Annie Jones is currently living in Dublin, Ireland. She has been a stand-up comic and modern European languages teacher. She is big in Laos and Iceland where her fluency in Irish, Frence and German are next to useless.
She is fairly well-travelled - including China, the Middle East (more of a stop-over in a shopping outlet) and Europe.

Smart Phones

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Caryl Avery:

Caryl Avery is a poet, lyricist, copywriter, and award-winning journalist whose articles have appeared in more than 20 consumer magazines.  Her light verse has been featured in Light Quarterly, Gastronomica, Alimentum, The Classical Outlook,,, and anthologized in More Women's Wicked Wit.  She authored the irreverent parody revue Cuts: An Uplifting Musical, about our obsession with looking young and beautiful.

The Gourmand's Lament

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Janice Arenofsky:

Janice Arenofsky is a fulltime freelance writer based in Scottsdale, Ariz. She has written nonfiction features and profiles for many national magazines, including Experience Life and Newsweek. Her humor has appeared in, Purrrr, The Spoof, Cats and Kittens, Not Your Mother's Book.. On Dogs, Verbatim and other publications.
Visit her blog at:

Doctoring for Dummies - The Intro to the Book

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Doug Hawley:

Doug Hawley lives in Lake Oswego OR.  USA with editor Sharon and cat Kitzhaber named after our former unlamented governor. After deciding that he had done enough thinking for a lifetime as a math professor and actuary, he turned to volunteering in this local park, hiking and snowshoeing. He was inspired to pick up writing again after reading the wildly, strangely popular book Wild by local author Cheryl Strayed. His parody Mild should appear in Potluck magazine sometime. It is much easier to read than the original as it is only a couple of pages long while hitting all of the salient points of Wild.

Doug Hawley is the author of humour both short and long, essays, fake bios, short bios, memoirs, sci-fi, horror and drama.
More of his story is in His handle as a twit is @dougiamm.

Guess My Age ............ Candidates' Diaries ............ Ducks and Dudes Prose (sic) and Cons
Hiking Etiquette, Glossary And Wisdom   Rat World   ¾ - Probably Part Of A Larger Piece
Mortality   Seasons   Forearmed (¾+)
Personals   Search and Rescue   Magical Mystery Journey
The Ten Commandments In the 21st Century   Gender Neutral   Screwing Up
Health Survey   North Gales Creek   Nose
Before They Were Famous   WMN   Thespian
X File   In Praise of Marcellus Gilmore Edison   Cat Tales
Easy   What's Wrong With The Left?   Dark And Stormy
Hospital   Perspective   Wildest
Coots   Mild – Bad Things Followed By Good Things On The Jamaica North Trail   Court
Style Sheet For Today   Better   What?
My Kind Of Town   Barberian   Spin
Die   Amphibian From Another World   lnpler
lntelligent Design?   Bomb   Space Force vs. Space Squids
Smith   Altared States   Comparo
Lessons   Crunch**   Beauty - From the lifestyle section of the Portland Oregonian
Run   A Cat Who Plots The Overthrow Of Capitalism While
I Drink Black Butte Porter And Eat A Carl’s Famous Star
Son Of Simon   Teeth   Cat
The Marital Dialogues Act 1   The Marital Dialogues Act 2   The Afterwife
First   Space Opera   Brave New Word
Rejection and Redemption   Spam   Staff Meeting
Park Bench   We Quit    

**This story is also read by the author on YouTube at: Author Doug Hawley reading his story 'Crunch'

*Chapter 1 of Smart Car originally appeared in Fiction On The Web. All the rest first appeared in Nugget Tales

by Doug Hawley
(a serialised novella)







**Prime originally appeared in Occulum

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Ed Higgins:

Ed Higgins’ poems and short fiction have appeared in numerous print and online journals. He and his wife live on a small organic farm in Newberg, Oregon where they raise a menagerie of animals including a pair of Bourbon Red turkeys named King Strut and Nefra-Turkey.


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Paul Handley:

Paul Handley's short fiction has appeared in Gargoyle Magazine, Monkeybicycle, The Doctor T.J. Eckleburg Review, Gone Lawn, and Ostrich Review.  Cartoons are in Hobart and Forge.

A Few Gallons of Prevention

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Dusty Wallace:

Dusty Wallace lives in the Appalachians of Virginia with his wife and two sons. He enjoys reading, writing, and the occasional fine cigar.
Find him online: or on Twitter: @CosmicDustMite.
His previous credits include ARES Magazine, Acidic Fiction, and Flapperhouse.

The Maiden's Chastity

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Bill Spencer:

Bill Spencer's humor writing has been accepted by The Inconsequential, Narrative magazine, Reader's Digest, Clever magazine, Defenestration, and Nuthouse.  He lives in a cabin in the mountains of North Carolina with his wife, artist-poet Carolyn Elkins.

Marketing Your Screenplay

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James L. Weaver:

James L. Weaver is a retired, former college Art Instructor/artist/musician/writer/filmmaker/actor, who continues to produce and exhibit his work in various media, which can be viewed at
James began writing, while in Graduate School, working on his MFA in Painting, because in his words: "As I looked around and saw
how the art careers of other MFA's were shaping up, it occurred to me that the MFA degree prepares one for the 15Th. Century,
with the only guarantee being hardcore unemployment in one's chosen profession.
James recently self-published his first action-comedy novel,
Columbus' Other Voyage, on Kindle.

If You Think Your First Hospital Stay Was Memorable...
How To Succeed As A Screenwriter...On Your Very First Try!
On Aging
"Take a Number"

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Michael B. Tager:

Michael B. Tager’s work has appeared in Timber, Baltimore Fishbowl, Theaker's Quarterly, the Atticus Review, Typehouse Literary Magazine and more.
He is the Managing Editor of
Writers and Words. He likes Buffy and the Baltimore Orioles.
You can read more of his work at


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Wayne Scheer:

Wayne Scheer has been nominated for four Pushcart Prizes and two Best of the Nets.
He's published numerous stories, poems and essays in print and online, including 
Revealing Moments,a collection of flash stories.
His short story, Zen and the Art of House Painting has been made into a short film:  

As Lame as a Duck
How to Write Fiction
Family Relations
On the Fine Art of Poetry Writing
Wayne Scheer and Albert Einstein Shoot the Breeze
Prince Charming
Ralph's Song
My Morning Story
My Annual Physical
One Day in the Garden

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Kell Inkston:

Kell Inkston is a freelance writer that has been working independently for the past six years- he is also currently under investigation on the suspicion of being 'too cool for school'. He maintains a blog where he shares his work at, and can be contacted by pigeon at Latitude 46.067, Longitude 3.4253 or his email:

Pot o' Gold
The Story of Alphonse
The Fork

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Richard Brockenflabel:

Richard Brockenflabel aspires to be a Humor Writer.
He created a Blog as a PORTFOLIO/SAMPLE of some of the stuff he's done.
He simply wants to create somewhat original funny stuff in whatever form comes to my mind, and he doesn't want to bore anyone - thats why he calles it

The Story of How Tony-No-Nose Got His Name

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Jane White:

Jane White lives in Massachusetts, USA.


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Mary Brown:

Mary Brown is the pen name of Yangyang.
Yangyang works as an office girl in a small city in China.
She is interested in English writing.


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J. Jones:

While working his way through college, J. Jones fought fires and drew upon some of those experiences in writing his first novel Memory of Rivers.  Hawai’i Pacific Review (Volume 22) published the second chapter. He then wrote a series of short stories, beginning with Icarus, which was published in Fickle Muses. Currently, he is working on another novel. 

The Trouble With Marjorie

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Wallace Runnymede:

Wallace Runnymede's proudest satirical achievement is his website, Satirical Industrial Complex, which is part of the Peace Criminals Project:
He has substantial editing responsibilities at Glossy News:
For submissions, feedback or collaboration ideas (including link swaps), please email

British Scholar A C Grayling Slays the Dragon ............ London's Greatest Postmodern Soap Opera: 'Hackney Conversation Enders' ............  
Archbishop Blasphemes Name of Tangle Fairy: Roadies Enraged   Spiritual Pride and Masochistic Prejudice    
Ideas Man Newt Gingrich Solves Fiscal Responsibility Problem   How to Wind Up the Tech Team Maintaining Your Critical Theory Journal    
Russell Brand's Revolution in Gambling   The Onion: Overrated, yes... But Still a Damn Fine Line in Fortune Telling    
Daniel O'Donnell Versus Mainstream Coffee Culture   Rick and Rob from 'The Great Flâneur Narrative' Dispute Hashtagging    
David Norris Discredited: Ungracious RTE Runner-Up Speech   Non-14 Theses on Someone-Other-Than-Feuerbach (This, for one, is not a Marxist Joke!)    
NASA Pluto Probe Discovers Oddly Familiar Tabloid   Farage Makes an Offer They Can't Refuse    
The Tragic Story of the Sad Demise of Un-reconstructionism: A Cautionary Tale        
BNP Members Get Increasingly Racially Tolerant Over Time        
Americans Shocked: 'Is the Pope a Capitalist?'        

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Betty Mermelstein:

Betty Mermelstein is a retired teacher who has had a variety of published material, including poems, humorous essays, and other articles. She currently self-publishes ebooks for children and adults on,, and Betty lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and loves to spend time with her grandchildren, volunteering, and ballroom dancing.

Garage Sale
Blunder at the Bar
Dancing with Moose
Stress in Uploading
Multipurpose Room
Cable Monopoly
The Tour in English
B&B Blues

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Jilliana Ranicar-Breese:

Jilliana is a life writer, memoirist, broadcaster, poet, interviewer, vlogger and Spoken Word artist.
She is also an Adventurer, linguist and TripAdvisor senior reviewer.
She is the award winning best co-presenter of 2017 at BHCR (
Brighton and Hove Community Radio)
Her detailed Profile is on
Her Interviews, Vox Pops and travel videos are on her own 'You Tube' channel
Her website is

Body Temperature ............ The Cat Lady of London NW6 ............ Theft #1 ............
The Liverpool Bridal Suite 90s   The Cat Lady of the East Village, New York   Never Judge a Book by its Cover #4 - Saul Bass  
The Living Statue That Spoke!   Barney   Paphos January 2017  
Sleepless in Granada   Black on White in Marks and Spencers HQ, Baker Street, London   Memories of Palermo  
Tea Totem in Paris   A Chilean Summer Interlude   Cuckolding in Istanbul - a cock and bull story!  
Ringo the Clochard of Place Moufftard, Paris   Uncle Bill the Dowser   Hilton Tales #3  
A Well-Heeled Man   The Lady in Red   Liverpool Memories #5  
The Paris Bottom Pincher   The Best Funeral Ever   Mad Dealers #8  
A Business Proposal of Marriage   Red Virgin Condoms with Love   Sebastian and Olga  
The English Bird Lady of Rio de Janeiro   Just Desserts   Mistaken Identity and Possible Q and A  
Emotional Landing   Up and Down!   Farting Chanting Marvin  
Paris People #1   Liverpool Memories #1   Iggy  
Kinky Bee   The Cat Lady of Orgiva   Mad Collectors #6  
Declan Mulholland   The Lady of the Woods   A Hot Spicy Evening  
Mad Collectors #4   Paris People #3   The She Man of Camden Passage  
Never Judge a Book by its Cover #3   Thank God for 999 #1   Thank God for 999 #2  
Little Robert of Portobello Road   Liberty's   Mario Cohen of Brital  
My Fair Lady   Paris People #2   The Games People Play  
The Buck Stops Here   Synchronicity In Fethiye   Snapshots #4  
A Hot Spicy Afternoon in Paris   Parisian Ladies of the Night   Pigeon Pie  
A Flash in the Pan   Master and Mistress   The Toolman Cumeth (with apologies to Eugene O’Neill)  
Snapshots #5   Alex’s Love Story - Alex and Eluna   Nigel’s story - A narrow escape  
Elise   I can see your lips moving   Pick a cat!  
Raffles hotel Singapore part 1   Sex for one part 1   Sex for one part 2  
5 Gledhow Gardens London SW7   To catch a thief   Tutus in Paris  
The shadow of time          

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Bobby Macleod:

Bobby Macleod is a lawyer from the Highland town of Forres in Scotland (where Macbeth met the three witches).  

All Hell Broke Loose

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Dave Collins:

Dave Collins lives in Ohio, USA. He likes writing short humor. He thinks that the world can sometimes be an ugly place and humor helps.

The Pinnacle Of Bad Days
A Game of Phones

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Don Magin:

Don Magin, husband (of 1), father (of 5), grandfather (of 15 so far), great-grandfather (of 1, also, so far), and Santa-Claus-look-alike, has lived in Bon Air, Virginia for 45 years, although he and his wife Margaret will always call upstate New York home. He has had stories and poems published in Grand Magazine, Guide Magazine, Short Humour, Central Virginia Poetry Bard Magazine, Microhorror, Flashes in the Dark, Necrotic Tissue, The Shine Journal, and other online and print publications.

During his career as a research chemist, he published two dozen technical articles in analytical and organic chemistry, as well as made numerous technical presentations at national and international symposia. Upon retirement, he embarked on a second career as a teacher, which would have probably been a first career had teacher's salaries been enough to support a family. He taught multiple math and science classes ranging from pre-algebra to calculus, and from middle school science to Chemistry, Physics, and Forensic Science, until he re-retired again in 2020, perhaps to devote more time to writing.  Or perhaps not.
He has a volume of poetry, stories, and essays, titled
Walk with Purpose, available from Lulu.

Notice! Effective Immediately!
The Garage
Twinges of Regret
Bulk Discount

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Kent V. Anderson:

Kent V. Anderson is an artist and an author with a whimsical slant. His artwork consists of scientific prototypes of the past: full size robots, electronic barbells, rayguns, and other essential household devices. Kent also writes short stories, which his robots sometimes proof read.  

All There is to Life

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Niles Reddick:

Niles Reddick is author of the novel Drifting too far from the Shore, two collections Reading the Coffee Grounds and Road Kill Art and Other Oddities, and a novella Lead Me Home.
His work has been featured in eleven collections and in over two hundred literary magazines all over the world including The Saturday Evening Post, PIF, New Reader Magazine, Forth Magazine, Cheap Pop, With Painted Words, among many others.

322 Friends
The Police Dispatcher has the Last Word

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Rose Biggin:

Rose Biggin is a writer of plays and stories based in the UK.


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Joanna M. Weston:

Joanna M. Weston is married; has one cat, multiple spiders, raccoons, a herd of deer, and two derelict hen-houses.
Her middle-reader, Frame and The McGuire, published by Tradewind Books 2015; and poetry, A Bedroom of Searchlights, published by Inanna Publications, May 2016.
Her other books are listed at her blog:

Courting Trouble ............ Crazy Unky ............ The Cat Out Of The Bag
When The Skipper   The Long Afternoon   The Broken Crayon
How To Turn The Tap On   But I Digress   Catching
The Heist   The Mad Hatter's Soup   Dilemma Oddities
As Luck Would Have It   Moving Out   Which Way (Triolet)
Zealous Ambition   Daily Hair   Life After? (Triolet)
Help Wanted   One Action Or Another   These Epithetical Churls
On The Way   Void Your Visa   Dental Appointment
Where Elders Play   Beyond Our Orbit   Ghostly Attack
Facebook Frazzle   At The Table   Versatilic Refuge
Not A Clue   A Gathering   Who Knows?
Far From English   Overheard At A Party    

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Gerardo Moreno:

Gerardo Moreno comes from Spain and was born on January 13 in an undisclosed year.
He is a prolific writer of fantasy and science fiction.
He is currently working on a book entitled: Heaven help us.
Gerardo also writes poems containing metaphors that express great feeling.
Read more about Gerardo and his work at: - literary blog - poetic blog - Look for: Stories of science fiction and fantasy - Author: Gerardo Moreno - Amazon Spain

El canto de la mañana

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Steve Slavin:

Steve Slavin is a recovering economics professor.
He earns a living writing math and economics books.

Dear Abby
Bathroom Humor

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Cian Manning:

Cian Manning lives in Waterford, Ireland. Having studied at University College Cork he has written for a number of publications and blogs on all manner of subjects from book reviews to murder trials. These include Hidden Gems : Forgotten People, Pog Mo Goal and City Edition, the match programme for League of Ireland football team Cork City. 

Living with Swingers
A Girl
That Awkward Bus Conversation

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Eric McFarlane:

Eric McFarlane has written for as long as he can remember.
He has always had a love of literature and creative writing. Genre fiction whether novel or short story length is his first love and he has written humour, SF, crime and horror. He has completed several novels and many short stories some of which have been published online and in print.
His comic crime novel A Clear Solution was published by Accent Press in 2015.

Mr Pemberton Goes Too Far

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Dave Robertson:

So I thought, 'Why not give it a go?' Writing that is.
I have. That's what this is.
It's not Shakespeare or Dickens.
It's me. All mine. Only me to blame.
I'm Dave Robertson a   year old, (sorry the number lock seems to be broken!), bloke from the Black Country.
There's a children's book being published by Matador in the spring of 2016. So keep your eyes peeled for that.
A second kid’s book is floating about. (Which was actually the first until things got complicated - don't ask!)
There are even the faint scribbling’s of a third - I must really have got the bug.
And of course there's the novel. Haven't we all got one somewhere? It unfortunately needs attacking drastically with the red editing pen! A humorous (allegedly) science fiction/ fantasy adventure. I only started it in 2006 so it must be nearly finished by now.
Ooh! And there’s a website, with even more stories – and a rather excellent blog, even if I do say so myself!
Check it out – – you never know, you might enjoy it! 

Just A Couple Of Drops

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David Kelley:

David Kelley lives in Fort Smith, Arkansas in the USA and he spends all of his spare time grilling and writing. His professional life has been spent as a teacher or working in education in some manner but his goal is to allow his sweetie to have the lifestyle to which she should become accustomed, which means trying to make a living as a writer. He has had some poetry published as well as some essays in a couple of national magazines. 

Memo To Self

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